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how can extract the href

how can extract the href content, im using python 2.7 and bs4

<h2 class ="product-card__title" >
    <a class ="link product-card__title-link" href="theping" >kik</a> 

I have this code, im extracting the kik text easy, but i cant extract the href

find = soup.find_all('h2', {'class' : 'product-card__title'}, limit=None)
for a in find: 
    title = a.text.strip()
    print title
    url = a.find('a[href]')
    print url

this is a part code, title print perfect but url show me none.... some idea?

for h2 in soup.find_all('h2', {'class' : 'product-card__title'}, limit=None):
    print h2.a['href']

Source: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/

Change below line:

url = a.find('a[href]')


url = aa[href]

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