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IIS Manager - Cant start W3SVC and IIS Admin is missing from Service

I am trying to start W3SVC on Windows 10 but I am facing several issues here:

I went to Task Manager and clicked the Services tab then I found the W3SVC service and I right clicked it and choose start but it did not start. I tried to click it several times.

I do have IIS Manager but IIS Admin is missing from Services which I do not know why.

World Wide Web Publishing Service is turned on and it is running automatically The dependencies tab have everything in there as it should be. HTTP Service and Window Process Activation Service

I did try to restart IIS in command prompt iisreset . But it failed and the error appeared:

The IIS Admin Service or the World Wide Web Publishing Service, or a service dependent on them failed to start. The service, or dependent services, may had an error during its startup or may be disabled.

I am trying to run a custom website I created on IIS Manager but it wont start. The error appeared:

Cannot start service w3svc on computer

I tried to start "World wide web publishing service", but I was unable to start it as it said:

Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start

I want to start the website that I created in my inetpub and I want this w3svc up and running

  • open Control Panel->Programs->Programs and Features->Turn windows features on or off -> Uncheck "Internet Information Services" and "Windows Process Activation Service"

  • Restart your machine.

  • open Control Panel->Programs->Programs and Features->Turn windows features on or off -> install both "Internet Information Services" and "Windows Process Activation Service"

if you still face issue then check the event viewer log.

Try this commands on cmd:

reg delete HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS\Parameters /v GenerateKeys /f
net start w3svc
net stop apphostsvc
net start apphostsvc

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