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How to assign dataframes to specific locations in a list in R

I've created 15 individual dataframes via a for loop, each one representing scores for each of the survey items comprising 15 different scales/topic areas. They're named df1 through df15 based on the original order of my topic areas, but I'd like to put them into a single list based on a different sort order. I have a separate dataframe, called topic.area, listing each of the 15 topic areas, their original order, and it is arranged in the new sort order:

Topic.Area...... orig.order... sort.order
Engagement..... 1...............2

I essentially want to do the following, but the code isn't working for me. I'm very new to R, so I appreciate any solutions that aren't too advanced so I understand the logic behind them.

myList<- list()

for(m in 1:15) {
 myList[[m]]<- paste("df", topic.area$orig.order[m], sep = "") 

I think the issue is you can't use the paste function in an assignment command, but I don't know to work around that.

Get all the dataframe in a list. As you have mentioned this is already ordered by orig.order .

list_df <- mget(paste0('df', 1:15))

You can arrange them based on sort.order directly by doing:

sorted_list_df <- list_df[topic.area$sort.order]

Here is a completely reproducible example based on Pokémon Stats data. Instead of just writing the input files to a list() , I use assign() to simulate a set of data frames in the global environment.


thePokemonFiles <- list.files("./pokemonData",
filenames <- substr(list.files("./pokemonData",full.names = FALSE),1,5) 
results <- lapply(1:length(thePokemonFiles),function(x) {
     # read data and assign to a name in global environment 
     data <- read.csv(thePokemonFiles[x],stringsAsFactor = FALSE)

At this point we have 7 data frames named gen01 to gen07 in the global environment.


Next, we generate the desired sort order as a vector. We'll use this along with the names from the filenames vector to get the data and build the output list in the desired sort order of data frames.

desiredSortOrder <- c(1,3,5,7,2,4,6)
sortedDataFrames <- lapply(desiredSortOrder,function(x){
# verify generation numbers by printing first row of each data frame 

Since the Generation column in each data frame matches its associated file name, we can verify the sort order by printing the first row of each data frame.

+      x[1,c(1,2,12)]
+ })
  Number      Name Generation
1      1 Bulbasaur          1

  Number    Name Generation
1    252 Treecko          3

  Number    Name Generation
1    494 Victini          5

  Number   Name Generation
1    722 Rowlet          7

  Number      Name Generation
1    152 Chikorita          2

  Number    Name Generation
1    387 Turtwig          4

  Number    Name Generation
1    650 Chespin          6


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