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Navigation Architecture Component- Passing argument data to the startDestination with Fragment

I have a fragment A which contains this code:

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


        app:navGraph="@navigation/layout_navigation" />



that start my fragment B . I would like to know how I can pass some argument from fragmentA and get in my fragmentB .

By reading this link but its talked about Activity A from Activity B.

I tried to remove this line from my FragmentContainerView


And in my fragmentA I added this following line:

val bundle = Bundle().apply {
    putString(KEY, "value")

NavHostFragment.create(R.navigation.layout_navigation, bundle)

In my fragment B , my arguments is null

Do you have any idea?

Open your navigation graph xml file and select a fragment that will receive some data. On the right side of your screen are the fragment attributes.


Select "Arguments" option and click +. Then enter arguments name, data type etc.


When you enter data in the dialog, click "Add".

Now open your "fragmentA" and init navController

val navController = Navigation.findNavController(view)

And navigate to your "fragmentB" with data in Bundle

view.findViewById<Button>(R.id.openB).setOnClickListener { // <==== YOUR CLICK LISTENER THAT NAVIGATE TO FRAGMENT B
                    R.id.action_fragmentA_to_fragmentB, // <==== YOUR ACTION ID (you can find it in your navigation graph XML file)
                    Bundle().apply {
                        putString("KEY", "My data") // <==== YOUR KEY AND DATA(data type should be similar to what you specified when create arguments in navigation graph XML file)

Now go to "fragmentB".java or.kt file and receive data by key

val data = arguments?.getString("KEY")

Hope my answer helps you!!

You can also read this article => pass data between fragments in nav component

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