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Pandas If row value contains items from a list as substrings, save row value to a different dataframe

If row value contains items from a list as substrings, save row value to a different dataframe.


index    link
1      https://zeewhois.com/en/
2      https://www.phpfk.de/domain
3      https://www.phpfk.de/de/domain
4      https://laseguridad.online/questions/1040/pued


If df['link'] has any item of list as a substring, we need to put that specific link in a different new data frame.

So far, I've preprocessed the link column and bought to this format:

index    link
1      httpszeewhoiscomenwww
2      httpswwwphpfkdedomain
3      httpswwwphpfkdededomain
4      httpslaseguridadonlinequestions1040pued

to find which rows values contain the items from list as substring df["TRUEFALSE"] = df['link'].apply(lambda x: 1 if any(i in x for i in list) else 0)

but I'm getting the error:

TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not float

You could use str.contains

list_strings =['verizon','zeewhois','idad']

df.loc[df.link.str.contains('|'.join(list_strings),case=False), 'TRUE_FALSE'] = True

 index             link                                TRUE_FALSE
    1   https://zeewhois.com/en/                        True
    2   https://www.phpfk.de/domain                     NaN
    3   https://www.phpfk.de/de/domain                  NaN
    4   https://laseguridad.online/questions/1040/pued  True

then just filter for True to get your new dataframe

new_df = df.loc[df.TRUE_FALSE == True].copy()

index               link                        TRUE_FALSE
1   https://zeewhois.com/en/                        True
4   https://laseguridad.online/questions/1040/pued  True

You don't need to process the link . Can simply do something like this:

In [51]: import numpy as np

In [47]: df                                                                                                                                                                                                 
1                            https://zeewhois.com/en/
2                         https://www.phpfk.de/domain
3                      https://www.phpfk.de/de/domain
4      https://laseguridad.online/questions/1040/pued

l =['verizon','zeewhois','idad'] ## It's not nice to have variable with names like list,dict etc.

In [50]: def match(x): 
    ...:     for i in l: 
    ...:         if i.lower() in x.lower(): 
    ...:             return i 
    ...:     else: 
    ...:         return np.nan 

In [48]: new_df = df[df['link'].apply(match).notna()] 

In [49]: new_df                                                                                                                                                                                             
1                            https://zeewhois.com/en/
4      https://laseguridad.online/questions/1040/pued

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