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Grunt: Access Sequence/List Data from External YAML File

I am trying to access values from an external YAML file in my Gruntfile using:

external = grunt.file.readYAML('_config.yml');

The _config.yml file has the following example data:

    - name: brand1
      type: cpu
    - name: brand2
      type: gpu
    - name: brand3
      type: hd

I've been trying to access the multi-level YAML data using <%= %> grunt templating to get the different name and type values.

module.exports = {
  concat: {
    src: ['htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts['type'] %>/<%= external.computer.parts['name'] %>/*.js'],
    dest: 'htdocs/output.js'

The main goal has been to concat files from different directories this way into one, but I can't seem to access data from the _config.yml file beyond external.computer.parts . FYI, the structure of the _config.yml file has to remained unchanged.

How do you access a sequence/list with different properties this way?

Below are a couple of solutions to consider. However, firstly let's understand what using grunt.file.readYAML() to parse your _config.yml file does. It essentially produces the following object:

  computer: {
    parts: [
        name: 'brand1',
        type: 'cpu'
        name: 'brand2',
        type: 'gpu'
        name: 'brand3',
        type: 'hd'

Note how the value of parts is an array of objects.

Solution 1:

Given that you want to utilize grunt templates (ie <%= %> ) to obtain the different name and type values, consider configuring your concat task in your Gruntfile.js as follows:


module.exports = function (grunt) {


    external: grunt.file.readYAML('_config.yml'),

    concat: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          // ...
        src: [
          'htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts[0].type %>/<%= external.computer.parts[0].name %>/*.js',
          'htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts[1].type %>/<%= external.computer.parts[1].name %>/*.js',
          'htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts[2].type %>/<%= external.computer.parts[2].name %>/*.js'
        dest: 'htdocs/output.js'
    // ...

  grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'concat' ]);



  1. The value of the external property of the object passed into thegrunt.initConfig method is essentially the aforementioned object, ie it's the result of utiizing grunt.file.readYAML() to parse your _config.yml .

  2. The value of the src property of the dist target , (which is associated with the concat task ), is an array. Each item of this array is where we utilize the <%... %> notation to reference the parts from your .yml file.

    Note how we reference each object in the external.computer.parts array by it's index, ie [0] , [1] , [2]

     'htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts[0].type %>/<%= external.computer.parts[0].name %>/*.js' ^ ^

Solution 2:

Another way to achieve your requirement is to not utilize grunt templates, ie <%... %> , at all. Consider the following solution:


module.exports = function (grunt) {


  var external = grunt.file.readYAML('_config.yml');

    concat: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          // ...
        src: external.computer.parts.map(function(part) {
          return 'htdocs/' + part.type + '/' + part.name + '/*.js'
        dest: 'htdocs/output.js'
    // ...

  grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'concat' ]);



  1. This time we assign the result of parsing your _config.yml file to a variable named external :

     var external = grunt.file.readYAML('_config.yml');
  2. The value of the src property is computed by utilizing the map() method. Here we create a new array of glob patterns .

     src: external.computer.parts.map(function(part) { return 'htdocs/' + part.type + '/' + part.name + '/*.js' }),


One of the key benefits that Solution 2 has over Solution 1 is:

If we need to add a new part ( name and tyoe ) to _config.yml . For example:

    - name: brand1
      type: cpu
    - name: brand2
      type: gpu
    - name: brand3
      type: hd
    - name: brand4      <-------
      type: foo         <-------

With Solution 1 we will need to add it to the src configuration in the Gruntfile.js . For example:

src: [
  'htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts[0].type %>/<%= external.computer.parts[0].name %>/*.js',
  'htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts[1].type %>/<%= external.computer.parts[1].name %>/*.js',
  'htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts[2].type %>/<%= external.computer.parts[2].name %>/*.js',

   // Newly added...
  'htdocs/<%= external.computer.parts[3].type %>/<%= external.computer.parts[3].name %>/*.js'

With Solution 2 we don't have to change the src configuration in the Gruntfile.js at all.


If you're using a fairly recent version of node.js then you can also refactor Solution 2 as follows:


module.exports = function (grunt) {


  const { computer: { parts } } = grunt.file.readYAML('_config.yml');

    concat: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          // ...
        src: parts.map(({ type, name }) => `htdocs/${type}/${name}/*.js`),
        dest: 'htdocs/output.js'
    // ...

  grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'concat' ]);


Please ignore StackOverflow's inability to syntax highlight the above example correctly.


This refactored version utilizes some ES6 features as follows:

  • Object destructuring is used to unpack the parts property/value from the parsed _config.yml , into a parts variable:

     var { computer: { parts } } = grunt.file.readYAML('_config.yml');
  • The value of the src property is computed using an Arrow function with the map() method, and Template Literals are used instead of the plus operator ( + ) for string concatenation.

     src: parts.map(({ type, name }) => `htdocs/${type}/${name}/*.js`),

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