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Firebase Storage upload of img dont work -> Invalid argument in `put` at index 0: Expected Blob or File

I try to use firebase storage for the first time. My goal is to upload img to the storage.

Console shows this err:

"Firebase Storage: Invalid argument in put at index 0: Expected Blob or File.", serverResponse_: null, name_: "FirebaseError"}

 export default function ImgUpload() {
  const [img, setImg] = useState([]);

  console.log('img', img);

  const handleUpload = () => {
      .then(function (snapshot) {

  return (
      <Input onChange={setImg} type="file" value={img} />
      <Button onClick={e => handleUpload(e)} type="submit">

I have also find this in documentation:

var file = ... // use the Blob or File API 
ref.put(file).then(function(snapshot) {   
console.log('Uploaded a blob or file!'); });

I cant figure out how to set it to work even with this.

From a quick check of the ReactJS documentation on the file input tag you can get the actual file with this.fileInput.current.files[0] .

So that'd means it'd look something like this for you:

let file = this.fileInput.current.files[0];

With this in the JSX:

<input type="file" ref={this.fileInput} />

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