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How to pass foreach inside laravel DB::select query

I want to iterate through list of words broken down in a function processNeedle. This is working fine with ordinary php but not in laravel.

    $query = $request->input('query');  

    $trim = new SearchTrim();

    $words = $trim->ProcessNeedle($query);

    $concat = "CONCAT(";        



    $sql =DB::select("SELECT DISTINCT id,title,code,abstract FROM projects WHERE 0 ";

    foreach ($words as $word) $sql.=" OR $concat LIKE '%$word%'";
    $sql.=" ORDER BY id DESC";

My query function well like this in php

SQL query: SELECT DISTINCT id,title,code FROM projects WHERE 0 OR CONCAT(title,'') LIKE '%intranet%' OR CONCAT(title,'') LIKE '%mailing%' ORDER BY id DESC;

How do i achieve this in Laravel Please help

Try this example. i hope it helps you.

Pass foreach inside laravel DB::select query

 $items = ['condition1', 'condition2', 'condition3']; $results = App\Model::where(function ($query) use ($items) { foreach($items as $item) { $query->orWhere('dbfield', 'LIKE', "%$item%"); } }) ->get(); dd($results);

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