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.net core 3.1 upgrade : DataContract and DataMember - unable to hide a field

I have a class with

public class Request
   public int Id{get; set;}

   //calculated field 
   public int Salary{get; set;}

   public int Name{get; set;}


I was able to hide field "Salary" by not having the [DataMember] attribute. Is there a way I could hide/not expose that field in the request?

public class EmployeeDetailResponse
   public int Id{get; set;}

   public string Grade{get; set;}

   //Used while calculating grade and should be hidden
   public int Salary{get; set;}

   public int Name{get; set;}


expected output: I will would like to use the Request as:



and Response as


Actual output is: Request:

Salary (Not hidden)

and Response as

Salary (Not hidden)

I'm testing this using swagger and expect to see only Id and Name in the request and when I enter the input values and execute, I would like to see Id, Grade and Name in the Response. Swagger is displaying Salary with its value. This is happening after upgrading to .net core 3.1. I expect Salary field not to be serialised and should not be exposed in the response

Use [JsonIgnore] from System.Text.Json.Serialization to hide fields from serialization/Swagger.

As best as I can tell, DataContract/DataMember is ignored completely.

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