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adding AWS public certificate with NGINX

I am using EC2 and working with NGINX (by PuTTY); I chose AWS Public Certificate therefore I understood that to use HTTPS I need to configure the NGINX too.
I found some tutorial about it, but everywhere they add ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key that I haven't seen in AWS certification.

How I can find AWS SSL certificates and ssl_certificate_key ?
Or is there another solution for this?

You can only use ACM SSL certificates with AWS Load Balancers, CloudFront and API Gateway. it is not possible obtain the certificate from ACM and install it directly on a server.

You can attach certificates issued with ACM to the AWS Load balancer and hide your instance behind the load balancer, more on this here

If you want to manage ssl directly on your Nginx you will need to issue certificate with another tool ie letsencrypt .

Using Free Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS Certificates with NGINX

It is now possible with Nitro Enclaves, but is rarely a good solution for a single-instance NGINX host. At the moment, an ec2 nitro enclave demands a full 2 vcpus for itself. Unless the instance is large enough to trivially spare 2 vcpus, this method likely involves a bump in ec2 instance size, which eliminates any cost or simplicity advantage over using a load balancer.

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