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ASP.NET Core JWT Token not working via HttpClient

I'm new to JWT authentication and I've configured my ASP.NET Core 3 API for token authentication using the tutorial here:


I've added the [Authorize] attribute to the controller, and using Postman I can login and get a token, and use the token via Postman to retrieve the data from the controller - all works as expected to here.

My issue is when I login using the C# HttpClient via a Xamarin app, and then I use the the token that is sent back I get a 401 error accessing the controller either via Postman or HttpClient .

The code I'm using is as follows:

var client = new HttpClient();

var model = new JwtLoginModel()
                Email = email,
                Password = password,
                RememberMe = false

var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model);

HttpContent httpContent = new StringContent(json);
var response = await client.PostAsync(Constants.BaseApiAddress + "api/Login", new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JObject jwtDynamic = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(content);
var accessToken = jwtDynamic.Value<string>("token");

Using the returned accessToken via Postman (and HttpClient ), both return a 401 error.

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks all for the help

In the end I decided it was easier to go with Identity Server 4 implementation which is working perfectly

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