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Invisible re-captcha fully from javascript without form submission

I am trying to use an invisible re-captcha v2 on a form that is submitted through JS. Every example I see online shows a regular plain HTML submitted form with a specified action and method, but I am using preventDefault() on my form to submit it with ajax. It seems like such a simple thing but I've been searching for hours and can't find a single person online who has ever done this.


<form id="form-login">
  <!-- ...form fields... -->

  <button class="uk-button uk-button-primary" type="submit">Submit</button>


$('#form-login').submit(function(event) {

  console.log(grecaptcha.getResponse()); // <-- always comes back empty

I can see that the captcha is initializing because I can see the icon in the bottom right.

I've seen grecaptcha.execute() but it doesn't seem to do anything for me.

There are no errors in the console.

Recently I had a problem like you, making captcha invisible created a lot of issues for me eg https://github.com/google/recaptcha/issues/269 which is still an opened issue on GitHub.

I solved it with dynamically genarated captcha on each time form is submitted. Here is a bit of code I used. (commented code is a call to backend to verify response with Google API).


Then you just use my function like this:

$('#form-login').submit(async function(event) {
  const response = await captchaVerification();
  if (response) { } // proper submit code execution
  else { } // on invalid captcha response

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