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I get text widgets drawn with underline Flutter

I'm building my first web project. So the project is structured like so: Web: Is a web site, one of the pages ( RetailerAccess ) is an actual app that should be compatible with all devices. In order to do so I use platform check in main() and return the proper screen.

home: kIsWeb
            ? Stack(
                children: [
//        color: Colors.white,
                    child: AnimatedBackground(),
            : RetailerAccess());

It works as expected.. When running on browser shows the web page and you can navigate to RetailerAccess while if running on iPad starts directly on RetailerAccess . So far so good. The weird part is that text widgets are drawn with a double green underline where running on device while when running on browser are drawn normally. Are you aware of any bug that makes it behave like this or is there something I should set in a specific way?

I tried running it in Release mode on an old iPad 3 running iOS 9.3.5 but no changes..

Thank you very much for your help.


I realised I don't have a Scaffold in RetailerAccess wrapped it with a Material widget and it solved it. Shouldn't a theme been passed to RetailerAccess anyways?

You are getting the error because you don't have a scaffold widget. Try the code below: It works perfectly:

home: kIsWeb
            ? Scaffold(
                children: [
//        color: Colors.white,
                    child: AnimatedBackground(),
            : Scaffold( 

I hope this helps.

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