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Copy/include resource from another maven project

let me explain you what I am looking for.

There is one project whose POM.xml is at path


I generally build my WAR file using ui/applicatio.pom.xml.

In UI's POM I have included few modules say "applicationDTO" and whose POM is at path


Now in applicationDTO project there is one file "ABC.properties" that I want to include in the WAR file which I created using UI project.

In short, I want to include ABC.properties file in UI's project.

Below is what I have tried, But I am getting error message like

skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\Users\Desktop\project\ui\application\common\applicationDTO\QA

Note: project is source folder which is having both UI and applicationDTO project. I want file form applicationDTO folder to be copied in UI folder via POM.

Please excuse me if I am unable to explain my issue.

You can use maven resource plugin for this


You might need to adjust path's to make it work


Considering Your folder structure is

  - application (build here)
    - pom.xml
    - classes
  - ABC.properties

Now when running your maven build from application folder, below can be the section


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