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Pandas resampling irregular time series

I have a time series that looks something like this:

2018-10-12 00:00:00 1
2018-10-12 01:00:00 0
2018-10-12 02:00:00 0
2018-10-12 06:00:00 7
2018-10-12 07:00:00 22
2018-10-12 08:00:00 8
2018-10-12 09:00:00 18
2018-10-12 10:00:00 24
2018-10-12 11:00:00 8
2018-10-12 11:15:00 5
2018-10-12 11:30:00 4
2018-10-12 11:45:00 25
2018-10-12 12:00:00 29
2018-10-12 12:15:00 19
2018-10-12 12:30:00 24
2018-10-12 12:45:00 16
2018-10-12 13:00:00 49
2018-10-12 14:00:00 36
2018-10-12 15:00:00 27
2018-10-12 16:00:00 20
2018-10-12 17:00:00 8
2018-10-12 17:15:00 7
2018-10-12 17:30:00 8
2018-10-12 17:45:00 9
2018-10-12 18:00:00 10

I would like to resample it, so that it has 15 minute intervals.

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv("data.csv", sep=",", index_col=0, parse_dates=True)

data_resampled = data.resample("900s").sum()

That yields this result:

2018-10-12 07:00:00 22
2018-10-12 07:15:00 0
2018-10-12 07:30:00 0
2018-10-12 07:45:00 0
2018-10-12 08:00:00 8
2018-10-12 08:15:00 0
2018-10-12 08:30:00 0
2018-10-12 08:45:00 0

But the result I want is:

2018-10-12 07:00:00 5,5
2018-10-12 07:15:00 5,5
2018-10-12 07:30:00 5,5
2018-10-12 07:45:00 5,5
2018-10-12 08:00:00 2
2018-10-12 08:15:00 2
2018-10-12 08:30:00 2
2018-10-12 08:45:00 2

Or ideally something like this

2018-10-12 07:00:00 6
2018-10-12 07:15:00 5
2018-10-12 07:30:00 6
2018-10-12 07:45:00 5
2018-10-12 08:00:00 2
2018-10-12 08:15:00 2
2018-10-12 08:30:00 2
2018-10-12 08:45:00 2

But I will settle for something like this:

2018-10-12 07:00:00 5
2018-10-12 07:15:00 5
2018-10-12 07:30:00 5
2018-10-12 07:45:00 5
2018-10-12 08:00:00 2
2018-10-12 08:15:00 2
2018-10-12 08:30:00 2
2018-10-12 08:45:00 2

How do I resample so that an interval that spans multiple of the new intervals is divided equally, or close to equal across the new smaller intervals?

what you can do is in the resample.sum and use min_count=1 to put the value to NaN if there was no value for this 15min interval before. then you can groupby.transform per group starting where a value exists with notna and cumsum (if a value is followed by nan then they are grouped together), and use mean in the transform with fillna the nan with 0 before.

s_ = s.resample('15min').sum(min_count=1)
s_ = s_.fillna(0).groupby(s_.notna().cumsum()).transform('mean')

print (s_)
2018-10-12 00:00:00     0.25 #here it is 1 divided by 4
2018-10-12 00:15:00     0.25
2018-10-12 00:30:00     0.25
2018-10-12 00:45:00     0.25
2018-10-12 01:00:00     0.00
2018-10-12 07:00:00     5.50 #same here
2018-10-12 07:15:00     5.50
2018-10-12 07:30:00     5.50
2018-10-12 07:45:00     5.50
2018-10-12 08:00:00     2.00
2018-10-12 17:00:00     8.00 # here you keep the original value as existed before
2018-10-12 17:15:00     7.00 
2018-10-12 17:30:00     8.00
2018-10-12 17:45:00     9.00
2018-10-12 18:00:00    10.00
Freq: 15T, Name: val, dtype: float64

where s would be a series s=data['name_col_to_resample']

I would do resample('H').sum() , then do a asfreq('15Min') followed by groupby :

s = df.resample('H').sum().asfreq('15Min').fillna(0)

Output (head):

2018-10-12 00:00:00  0.25
2018-10-12 00:15:00  0.25
2018-10-12 00:30:00  0.25
2018-10-12 00:45:00  0.25
2018-10-12 01:00:00  0.00

Try this

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv("data.csv", sep=",", index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
# just changing the column names
df.columns = ['values']

# resample
df = df.resample('15min').sum().reset_index() # resample

# This will be used for the groupby
df['key'] = np.cumsum( (df['Datetime'].dt.minute == 0) | (df['values'] > 0) )

df['new_values'] = df.groupby(['key'])['values'].transform('mean')

df = df.drop(columns=['key'])

Notice that when you have the following case

2018-10-12 08:00:00 10
2018-10-12 08:15:00 9
2018-10-12 08:30:00 0
2018-10-12 08:45:00 0

it will become

2018-10-12 08:00:00 10
2018-10-12 08:15:00 3
2018-10-12 08:30:00 3
2018-10-12 08:45:00 3

i dont know if this is what you want.

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