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I can't excute software project in visual studio, C#

I'm learning software developer and got this project of git hub to learn. https://github.com/the-best-flash/CSharpMiner

The project's creator give us the follow instructions to execute this project in visual studio, but I don't understand the step number 2, (Change the dropdown that says "Debug" to say "Release")

*project's instructions :

  1. Load the solution file. *.sln
  2. Change the dropdown that says "Debug" to say "Release"
  3. Select "Build -> Build Solution"
  4. Navigate to the CSharpMinerProgram\bin\Release folder and copy the.exe, and.dll files to wherever you want to run the program from. (ex. C:\CSMiner)
  5. Make a \bin folder wherever you put the.exe (ex. C:\CSMiner\bin)
  6. Copy the.dll files from CSharpMinerProgram\bin\Release\bin to the \bin folder you just made.
  7. Create a "config.conf" file in the same folder as the.exe (ex. C:\CSMiner\bin) you can follow the example further down.
  8. Right click on the.exe and make a shortcut. Copy the shortcut to your desktop.*

I tried follow the project's instructions but appear this error: 在此处输入图像描述

Class Libraries are not executable program.

You should right click CSahrpMinerProgram and select "Set as Startup Project"


When i cloned and opened it up, the wrong project was selected as the startup project.

Click this在此处输入图像描述

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