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curl request for login with password having special character in bash script?

I'm reading password from input file and login with that password. However if password has special character then its failing. How can i make it work for the passwords with or without special characters? Have tried with '$pass' but looks it doesn't work.

ip="$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $1}')"
pass="$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $3}')"

output_json="$(curl -u admin:'$pass'  -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" https://$ip:443/admin -k)" 

  1. You should always quote variable expansions
  2. Use single-quotes to disable variable expansions and other special characters

Some issues with your current code:

  • echo $line is not properly quoted, and will break on whitespace and other special characters; use echo "$line"
    • As @GordonDavisson suggested in the comments, printf '%s\n' "$line" would actually be safer than echo , which may not work correctly depending on the contents of $line
  • admin:'$pass' will resolve to the literal characters admin:$pass being passed to curl ; use "admin:${pass}"
  • https://$ip:443/admin is also not properly quoted, use "https://${ip}:443/admin"
  • If $line is being set with a literal password in the script you'll want single-quotes to have the shell ignore special characters; line='...,sbxy$sT_i7d6I*7'

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