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Run JavaScript in Sublime Text

I have searched and found a way to make JavaScript works on SublimeText. The way is like that in steps:

  • Sublime Text > File > New File > Type: console.log("Hello World");
  • Press Ctrl + S (Save) > script.js
  • Install Node.js

  • Sublime Text > Tools > Build System > New Build System > Type:

 { "cmd": ["node", "$file"], "selector": "source.js" }

  • Save As Node.sublime-build
  • Sublime Text > Tools > Build System > Node

That worked well and I can get the console results well Now how can I use or refer to the index.html file? To be more specific I have two files: index.html and script.js and I need to run the JS on sublime text but I got ReferenceError: document is not defined on such a line

 var output = document.getElementById('output');

document object . relates to the DOM(Document Object Model) in the Web Browsers. Node.js is desktop JavaScript runtime environment, It'll not give to access to DOM objects.

If you want to access the document, object in Node.js you can use browserify

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