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Remove LinearLayout with a button, which is inside this LinearLayout

I've created a custom linear layout within android studio. This layout gets inflated into another vertical layout programatically. Now I want to map a button inside this layout, which can delete the whole object. Here is my layout:


And as you can see the button "DELETE HERE" should remove the 3 items, time, weekday and the button itself.

This is my class and here

class AlarmCard @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
    defStyle: Int = 0,
    defStyleRes: Int = 0,
    ) : LinearLayout(context, attrs, defStyle, defStyleRes) {

    init {
            .inflate(R.layout.alarmcard, this, true)

           **/* Call destructor or remove view !?!*/**

which get added to the linear layout with:

 val monday = AlarmCard(this)

The problem is for me how can I delete the object with a button? I tried using alarmCards.removeView(this) within btnDelete.setOnClickListener() but It crashes. :(

Thank you!!

Try this:

btnDelete.setOnClickListener {
    (getParent() as? ViewGroup)?.removeView(this@AlarmCard)

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