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Get Xml Content=“{Binding XPath=…}” in event handler “(sender as Button).Content”

Faced a problem. The button context uses XML file tags ( dynamic resource DataContext="{DynamicResource XmlResource}" ). Everything is fine, I get Content on the buttons correctly ("Name 1", "Name 2", ...). Next, in the mouse event, I want to assign the value of the button content to the variable contentText and display it on the console. However, I did not receive the expected. I received either System.Xml.XmlElement or empty string.

// XML
    <Name1>Name 1</Name1>
    <Name2>Name 2</Name2>

<Grid DataContext="{DynamicResource XmlResource}">
    <Button MouseEnter="ButtonEnter" Content="{Binding XPath=Root/Name1}" />
    <Button MouseEnter="ButtonEnter" Content="{Binding XPath=Root/Name2}" />

// C#
private void ButtonEnter(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Version 1
    string contentText = (sender as Button).Content.ToString();
    Console.WriteLine(contentText); // Output value "System.Xml.XmlElement"

    // Version 2
    string contentText = (sender as Button).Content as string;
    Console.WriteLine(contentText); // Output empty string

    // Version 3
    string contentText = sender.GetType().GetProperty("Content").GetValue(sender, null).ToString();
    Console.WriteLine(contentText); // Output value "System.Xml.XmlElement"

How do I attach button contents ("Name 1", "Name 2", ...) to contentText variable? Maybe I can't get the exact value, as a dynamic resource DataContext="{DynamicResource XmlResource}" ? thank

Output value "System.Xml.XmlElement" means that Content is XmlElement. Cast Content to concrete type and get properties instead of getting its string representation:

var contentElement = (sender as Button).Content as System.Xml.XmlElement;

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