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THREE.js Cannot Import Module

I am trying to import the threejs and GLTFLoader modules, both of which ( for testing ) are in the same root /js/ folder..

import * as THREE from './js/build/three.module.js'; // Works fine 
import { GLTFLoader } from './js/build/GLTFLoader.js'; // Throws a disallowed MIME TYPE error

I get the mimetype issue but the error isn't thrown when in the three master 'structure', so why doesn't this work?


So when uncommenting the import GLTF line, the error thrown is the following:

Loading module from “http://localhost/dev/project/build/three.module.js” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”).

It seems to refer to the three.module.js path, however when that line is commented out, it all loads fine with no errors. The paths are correct for all files/folders too.

I realise my question was somewhat unclear but essentially what I was trying to do is use the modular three.js functionality whilst retaining the entire project in a single root folder - ie not having to traverse up to the 'build' files.

I feel like this is probably something that is often required (in the absence of webpack et al.) since a website would generally be contained within in a single root folder.

After some helpful input I was able to resolve this with the following..

The Folder Structure:

 | -- index.html
 | -- /build/
 |      |
 |      | -- three.module.js 
 | -- /js/
        | -- app.js*
        | -- /jsm/
               | -- /libs/ ...        
               | -- /loaders/ ...

The Imports ( in app.js )

import * as THREE from '../build/three.module.js';
import { GLTFLoader } from './jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js';
import { TWEEN } from './jsm/libs/tween.module.min.js';
import Stats from './jsm/libs/stats.module.js';

Hope this is of use to anyone searching for the same solution, and thanks as always to the community for the valued assistance!

this line

import { GLTFLoader } from './js/build/GLTFLoader.js';

should be

import { GLTFLoader } from './js/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js';

and you should structure your three.js files to match the official three.js folder structure.

See this answer

And I want to make it very clear, @ScieCode's suggestion of editing the GLTFLoader.js is not a good suggestion. If you follow that suggestion you're going to have to start editing all files you use from example/jsm like the OrbitControls.js file, the TrackballControls.js file, the EffectComposer.js file (and all the files it includes like MaskPass.js, CopyPass.js, Pass.js). And, if you ever grab a new version you'll have to re-edit all those files again.

Instead just use the official folder structure as pointed out in the linked answer and stuff will just work, no editing needed.

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