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Dash Python App Button for action and refresh the page

Need to have a callback function in Dash App for performing some action and then refreshing the page, only page reload could be achieved using HTML A tag.

html.A(html.Button('Refresh Data'),href='/')


app.layout = html.Div([html.Button(id="refresh")])

@app.callback(Output('???', '???'),
          [Input('refresh', 'n_clicks')])
def refresh(n):
## Perform some action ##
## call python function API ##
## Finally Refresh the Page ##
return ?

I guess this is the proper way to do it:

add this to your layout:

dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=True),


    Output("url", "href"),
    Input("App-logo", "n_clicks"),
def reload_data(_):
    return "/"

This should do what you need:

html.A(html.Button('Refresh Page'),href='/'),

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