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How do I print subscribed dictinary value in RxSwift?

I have an Observable that returns a dictionary :

func myFunc() -> Observable<[String : MyClass]> {
    return service.getDictionary()

How do I get ahold of the keys and values ?

viewModel.myFunc().subscribe(onNext: {
    print("🐱", $0 )
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)

There's no property like .key or .value . Do I use map or flatMap or how does it work?

RxSwift 5.0 Tested

    func myFunc() -> Observable<[String : String]> {
        let dict:[String:String] = ["key0": "value0", "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2","key3" : "value3"]
        return Observable.just(dict)

    .map { (dict) -> [(String,String)] in
            let keys = Array(dict.keys)
            var key_value_array = Array<(String,String)>()
            for key in keys {
                let key_value_tuple = (key,dict[key]!)

        return key_value_array
    }.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
        .subscribe(onNext: { (tuple) in
        print("Key is \(tuple.0)")
        print("Value is \(tuple.1)")
    }).disposed(by: disposeBag)

Then log in console is

Key is key0
Value is value0
Key is key1
Value is value1
Key is key3
Value is value3
Key is key2
Value is value2

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