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cannot implicitly convert type void to int in C#

private string GetShortName(string LongName)
    string ShortFileName = new string('\0', 67);
    **int Result = Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.kernel32.GetShortPathName(ref LongName, ref ShortFileName, ((ShortFileName) is null) ? 0 : Convert.ToString(ShortFileName).Length);**
    ShortFileName = StringsHelper.GetFixedLengthString(ShortFileName, 67);
    return ShortFileName.Substring(0, Math.Min(Result, ShortFileName.Length));

The above line throws a error "cannot implicitly convert type void to int" GetShortPathName comes from Kernel32.dll that is wrapped in a class file as

 public static void GetShortPathName(ref string lpszLongPath, ref string lpszShortPath, int cchBuffer);

Is there is any alternative to get it in int result?

GetShortPathName should return a uint , not be void :

public static uint GetShortPathName(...)

If you don't have control over Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.kernel32 then you'll need to create a new wrapper around the kernel call that does return the uint .

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