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Why isn't the tqdm progress bar showing up on my csv reader loop?

I have tried doing it a few different ways, but none have worked so far within my code. I end up breaking my script so it just shows an empty progress and the script ends instead of actually doing what it is supposed to. How do I properly add a tqdm progress bar to this part of my script?

def add_column_in_csv(input_file, output_file, transform_row):
    # open input file and create output file
    with open(input_file, 'r') as read_obj, \
        open(output_file, 'wb') as write_obj:
        # create a csv.reader object from the input file object
        csv_reader = reader(read_obj)
        # create a csv.writer object from the output file object
        csv_writer = writer(write_obj)
        lines = len(list(read_obj))
        print lines
        # read each row of the input csv file as list
        for row in tqdm(csv_reader, total=len(list(read_obj))):
            # append the headers and values from checks in add_to_row
            transform_row(row, csv_reader.line_num)
            # add the updated row to the output file

# let them know it is doing something
print('Analyzing input file . . .')
# actually add the data to the new csv here
add_column_in_csv(input_file, output_file, add_to_row)
# it is done
print('Done analyzing file. Output created: ' + str(output_file))

Doing it like this it seemingly doesn't execute my code within the for loop. It shows a progress bar at 0% that does not progress and says 0/17 (which is the number of rows in my csv) and then prints my last line 'Done analyzing file. Output created:', but the output csv is blank. However, if I remove the total=len(list(read_obj)) altogether the script does run and at least shows the number of iterations happening and how long it took, but no progress bar.

for row in tqdm(csv_reader, total=len(read_obj.read().split('\n'))):
    # append the headers and values from checks in add_to_row
            transform_row(row, csv_reader.line_num)
            # add the updated row to the output file

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