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Runtime assignment of data based on target class type

I have 5 different classes with same properties but with a different namespace.

For example:

MyNameSpace1.Class1  - FirstName, LastName, Age
MyNameSpace2.Class2 -  FirstName, LastName, Age

and so on


All the classes have the same properties - for say, FirstName, LastName, Age etc.

private void AssignData(int order, string firstName, string lastName)
   var result=new MyNameSpace1.Class1();
   result.FirstName= firstName;
   var result=new MyNameSpace2.Class2();
   result.FirstName= firstName;


Above, I have given just two properties, in my real example, there are multiple properties, that get assigned.

I tried to simplify that as

private void AssignData(int order, string firstName, string lastName)
   var result= GetInstance<MyNameSpace1.Class1>();
   var result= GetInstance<MyNameSpace2.Class2>();
   result.FirstName=firstName; //repeated code , don’t want to use dynamic, 
                              //as I will not know the compile time issues.


Seems, I am repeating same code again, is there an option, where I will need to assign firstName, lastName directly just once and create runtime instance of the class?

private T GetInstance<T>()
  return Activator.CreateInstance<T>();

What i am trying to achieve is

private void AssignData(int order, string firstName, string lastName)
  var result; //this will not compile, object might, prefer not to use dynamic
   result= GetInstance<MyNameSpace1.Class1>();
   result= GetInstance<MyNameSpace2.Class2>();
  result.FirstName=firstName;//just do assignments 1 time

First and easiest option would be just using dynamic type:

class MyClass
    public int MyProperty { get; set; }

private dynamic GetInstance<T>()
    return Activator.CreateInstance<T>();

var instance = GetInstance<MyClass>();
instance.MyProperty = 5;

so I would not recommend cause it is considered not very performant.

Second option would using reflection like this:

var instance = GetInstance<MyClass>();
    .Invoke(instance, new object[] { 5}); // sets MyProperty to 5

You can "cache" result of GetSetMethod and reuse it, cause reflection is slow also.

Last option is reflection + expression trees(where you can generate "whole" method to set all variables):

var type = typeof(MyClass);
var method = type.GetProperty(nameof(MyClass.MyProperty)).GetSetMethod();
var cls = Expression.Parameter(typeof(MyClass));
var val = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int));
var call = Expression.Call(cls, method, val);
// this action should be cached
var act = Expression.Lambda<Action<MyClass, int>>(call, cls, val).Compile();

var instance = GetInstance<MyClass>();
act(instance, 5); // sets MyProperty to 5

An again do not forget to cache result of Expression.Lambda.Compile for type.

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