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Getting the texture scale with assimp

I'm trying the texture scale from the.mtl file. Opening the file in notepad I can see that it has map_Kd -s 4.000000 4.000000 1.000000 crate_diffuse.dds

I am trying thte code below but it returns aiReturnFAILURE.

for (UINT j = 0; j < material->GetTextureCount(type); j++) 
    aiString str;
    material->GetTexture(type, j, &str);

    aiUVTransform uvTransform;
    if (material->Get(AI_MATKEY_UVTRANSFORM(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, j), uvTransform) == aiReturn_FAILURE)
        std::cout << "Failed\n";

    texture_diffuse = std::string(str.C_Str());
    std::cout << texture_diffuse << '\n';

This will happen when not uvTransform was stored for your material. Without any uvTransform your scaling will be 1.0.

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