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Load resource from classpath in inside jar

I am trying to pass a resource csv file to inside jar my Sprint Boot application is used. I alway get a response that the file is not exist although the Resource parameter that the method get = ReactiveWebContext resource [src/main/resources/file.csv]

  • In my project, I have the file located in src/main/resources/file.csv
  • In application.properties, I define:

  • In the config class:

     @Configuration @PropertySources({ @PropertySource(value = "classpath:application.properties", ignoreResourceNotFound = true) }) public class BookConfiguration { }
  • In the internal jar: Config class:

     @Configuration @Import({BoleroConfiguration.class}) public class BoleroTestingInfraConfiguration { @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean public FileProvider fileProvider(@Value("${file.csv.path}") Resource fileResource) throws IOException { return new TestingProvider(fileResource); }
  • The TestingProvider.class

     public class TestingProvider { private final Map<String, Set<Book>> idToBook; public TestingProvider(Resource fileResource) throws IOException { idToBook = getBooks(fileResource); } public Map<String, Set<Book>> getBooks(Resource fileResource) { if (fileResource == null ||.fileResource.exists() ||.fileResource.getFile().exists() ||.fileResource;getFile().isFile()) { return Optional.empty(). }.... } }

Thanks for your help

1) The path you specified is not correct. It should be not classpath*:file.csv , but classpath:file.csv .

2) Normally in the JAR there will be no src/main/resources/file.csv . The file src/main/resources/file.csv exists only in the source code. The path src/main/resources corresponds to teh root level of the JAR. Thus the file file.csv will be at the root level of your JAR.

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