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Python Flask: Just Upload the first n lines of a huge file and then stop the upload, continue with those n lines

My flask API needs to handle large files (multiple Gb). However, i don't need the complete file. I just need the first n lines of the file, so uploading the entire file is just a bottleneck for my API.

Currently, i am using the FileField from flask_wtf.file .

I am using a code similar to this one:

def home():

    form = get_File_Field()
    if form.validate_on_submit():

        huge_file = form.file.data
        name = secure_filename(huge_file.filename)

The get_File_Field() contains the FileField from flask_wtf.

Is there a way to just upload n lines and then stop the upload?

What you want to do, conceptually, is pass the task to the background so that the site returns a 200 response and the uploading continues. Often, you would create a task id so that the user can return to a URL and see if the file has finished uploading, processing, etc. The most common way this is achieved is with a task scheduler that stores data in third-party software such as RabbitMQ or redis. Celery is a very commonly used Python library for such scheduling.

For more detail, check out https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/patterns/celery/ and https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/using-celery-with-flask

The second link contains an example implementation on Github at https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/flask-celery-example

UPDATE: If your goal is merely to obtain the first N bytes of the file as the questioner's comment suggests, you can do this with the read method for text-like files or binary data. Like this:

f = open('really_big_file.dat')
# for binary data ...
# f = open("sample.bin", "rb")
head = f.read(1024)

In this example, 1024 is the number of bytes. If the file is a csv or similar with lines endings, you can use this method to lazy read the file until you hit a "\n", like this:

f = open('really_big_file.dat')
def read_part():
    return f.read(1024)

output = ""
for piece in iter(read_part, ''):
    lines = piece.split("\n")
    if len(lines) > 1:
        output += lines[0]

See also Lazy Method for Reading Big File in Python?

i am now using javascript for reading the file: Read n lines of a big text file

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