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Tomcat servlet works on local machine, breaks on server

I'm assuming I'm doing something simple and stupid since I'm new to this. But I have a working Tomcat servlet. On my local machine, when the connection is created with:

var webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/myapp/websocketendpoint");

it works just fine. In fact, I accidentally loaded it to the server with that and of course it still worked:P.

However, whenever I try to run the servlet on the server itself:

var webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://");

it dies, saying that a connection cannot be established to the server. To be honest, I used this information to set up the server.

Okay, so hopefully this experience will help someone else. Despite the estoric error message, I just needed to update my build.properties files... which is essence just updates the build.xml file.

So any errors over there can cause really strange errors it seems.

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