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AssertionError on comparing different types of an object when unit testing my list user by id service

I'm trying to test a service in my API that when given a certain id, it should return user that corresponds to that id. Pretty straightforward, but i'm getting the following error that should be simple to fix but have no idea how:

 <User(id=89, name=null, email=null)>
and actual:
 <Optional[User(id=89, name=null, email=null)]>
to refer to the same object

My test code is:

public class ServiceDetailUserTest {

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    private UserDetailService userDetailService;

    public void when_given_id_it_should_return_user() {
        User user = new User();


        Optional<User> expected = userDetailService.listUser(user.getId());


And my service code (not even sure if needed) is:

public class UserDetailService {

    UserRepository repository;

    public Optional<User> listUser(Long id) {
        return repository.findById(id);

So, to compare my expected with my user , i need them to be the exact same type...but how? I've seen variations of this test, with one using the expression assertThat(expected).isNotNull(); instead of assertThat(expected).isSameAs(user); , but i'm not sure if that's correct.

This should work:

public void when_given_id_it_should_return_user() {
    User user = new User();

    Optional<User> userMock = Optional.of(user);


    Optional<User> expected = userDetailService.listUser(user.getId());

    assertEquals(expected, userMock);

This compares two instances of different types, since expected is an Optional, and user is a User:


Either unwrap expected.get(), or make user an Optional.

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