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Unable to get output in Verilog simulation of digital clock

I want to design a seconds counter, which will count from 0 to 59, using Mod10COunter and Mod6Counter. I am trying to test the output using a testbench. The clock generated is perfect. However, the output is always 'X'. This is the code for the seconds counter.

module generateSec(clk, reset, s1, s2, min_en);
input wire clk, reset;
 output reg [3:0] s1, s2;
 output reg min_en;

 wire enable;
 Mod10Counter sec1 (.clk(clk), .out(s1), .en_out(enable), .rst(reset));
 Mod6Counter sec2 (.clk(enable), .out(s2), .en_out(min_en), .rst(reset));

I have written the modules used as below.

module Mod10Counter(clk, out, en_out, rst);
input clk, rst;
output reg [3:0] out;
output reg en_out;

always @(posedge clk or rst) begin

    if (rst) begin
    else if (out == 4'b1001) begin
        out <= 4'b0000;
        en_out <= 1'b1;
    else begin
    out <= out+1;
    en_out <= 1'b0;

module Mod6Counter(clk, out, en_out, rst);
input clk, rst;
 output reg [3:0] out;
 output reg en_out;

always @(posedge clk or rst) begin

    if (rst) out<=4'b0000;
    else if (out == 4'b0101) begin
        out <= 4'b0000;
        en_out <= 1'b1;
    else begin
    out <= out+1;
    en_out <= 1'b0;

The test-bench for the generateSec is as follows:

`timescale 1ms / 1ps

 module generateSec_test;

// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;

// Outputs
wire [3:0] s1;
wire [3:0] s2;
wire min_en;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
generateSec uut (

initial begin
    clk = 0;
    forever #500 clk=~clk;

initial begin
    reset = 1;
    reset =0;

I am pasting the screenshot of the output here for the problem mentioned above. Output of Verilog simulation of generateSec-testbench

With Verilog, a module port cannot drive a reg . SystemVerilog does allow this.

To stay with Verilog, in generateSec , change:

 output reg [3:0] s1, s2;
 output reg min_en;


 output [3:0] s1, s2;
 output min_en;

Alternatively, if your tool-set supports SystemVerilog, then you can change the file extension from .v to .sv and you can leave it as output reg ( output or output logic would be preferred). To the best of my knowledge, Xilinx's ISE only supports up to Verilog 2001. Xilinx's Vivado does.

As Serge metioned, @(posedge clk or rst) should be @(posedge clk or posedge rst) .

Also en_out should be reset in Mod6Counter .

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