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Why does sender IP address increment in Scapy?

I am trying to make a TCP packet that is sent to my other computer 500 times. I have created this code:

from scapy.all import *
from scapy.utils import rdpcap
#Create your own packets
data = 'This is a test'
myPacket = Ether(src="00:E0:4C:00:02:42",dst="00:E0:4C:01:08:99")/IP(src="",dst="")/TCP()/Raw(load=data)
for i in range (0,500):
    sendp(myPacket, iface="Ethernet 4")  # sending packet at layer 2

The issue is that when I run this code, the computer receives packets with an incrementing Source IP and the Destination IP is wrong, for some reason:


Any help fixing this would be appreciated.

The /16 in your addresses is called a netmask in CIDR notation. It means that your adresses are subnets that include all possible addresses between and . (Same for the source IP) See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network

Scapy is going to send 256x256x256x256 (accounting for both sr and dst ) packets with all possible addresses, starting as you saw with the 0.0 ones. You just need to remove the /16 .

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