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Cannot find bean under name WeaponList

 <html:select property="Weapon">
   <html:options collection="WeaponList" property="weaponIDPK" labelProperty="weaponName" />

I'm creating a drop-down list to display different weapons in Struts and I'm getting this error.

Can you tell me what are the missing pieces? Or possible errors? Do I need to fix my Action file?

Im having problem on this part



The missing piece is WeaponList , which should be named weaponList , and exposed in the action via a normal JavaBean-style getter, getWeaponList .


The collection needs to be available in the ActionForm .


Naming should follow standard JavaBean conventions, eg, the first letter should be lower-cased, for a variety of reasons.

Unrelated: you have enough SO rep to know how to ask a good question (and how questions should be titled). You've provided nothing anyone can use to help other than providing educated guesses.

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