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Typescript return if value is undefined

In TypeScript, is it possible to return whether a value is defined (ie not undefined) in such a way, that the transpiler understands that it is not undefined?

To clarify my question, image this example:

let myVar: MyClass | undefined = /*something*/

if(myVar) {
    myVar.foo() // this always works, because the transpiler knows that myVar will never be undefined

However, imagine that myVar needs to be initialized before foo() can be called. So the if statement becomes if(myVar && myVar.isInitialized()) . But because this check needs to happen in a lot of functions, I wrote the function isUsable() :

function isUsable(myVar: MyClass | undefined): boolean {
    return myVar && myVar.isInitialized();

let myVar: MyClass | undefined = /*something*/

if(isUsable(myVar)) {
    myVar.foo() // this does not work, because myVar may be undefined. I would have to use myVar?.foo() or myVar!.foo() which I want to avoid

Is it possible to define isUsable() in such a way, that the transpiler still understands, that myVar can not be undefined in the if -Block?

you need a type guard, myVar is MyClass .

function isUsable(myVar: MyClass | undefined): myVar is MyClass {
    return myVar && myVar.isInitialized();

let myVar: MyClass | undefined;

if(isUsable(myVar)) {
    myVar.foo(); // now it works.

since TS 3.7 you can even assert it.

function isUsable(myVar: MyClass | undefined): asserts myVar is MyClass {
  if (!myVar || !myVar.isInitialized()) {
    throw new Error();

let myVar: MyClass | undefined;

myVar.foo(); // now it works.

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