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Dafny: Postcondition error in constructor

The following constructor does not work and fails at

parent !in Repr

Why can't Dafny proof the postcondition, that parent is not part of the Repr set?

constructor Init(x: HashObj, parent:Node?)
    ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this, data})
    ensures Contents == {x.get_hash()}
    ensures Repr == {this, data};
    ensures left == null;
    ensures right == null;
    ensures data == x;
    ensures parent != null ==> parent !in Repr;
    ensures this in Repr;
    data := x;
    left := null;
    right := null;
    Contents := {x.get_hash()};
    Repr := {this} + {data};

I'm guessing that HashObj is a trait ? (If it's a class , then your example verifies for me.) The verification fails because the verifier thinks x might equal parent .

The verifier ought to know that Node is not a HashObj (unless, of course, your class Node really does extend HashObj ), but it doesn't. You may file this as an Issue on https://github.com/dafny-lang/dafny to get that corrected.

In the meantime, you can write a precondition that says x and parent are different. Here, there's a wrinkle, too. You'd like to write

requires x != parent

but (unless Node really does extend HashObj ) this does not type check. So, you would want to cast parent to object? . There's no direct syntax for such an up-cast, but you can do it with a let expression:

requires x != var o: object? := parent; o

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