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retrieve unique visits sql not working mysql

I have this table

 visitors: ip,last_date (datetime)

When a different ip enters to the site in an specific day, it insert a new row, no matter if the ip is entering again.

Whit this sql statement I retrieve all unique ip visits in my site. It works for an specific day, for example today (26/05/2020) and it grouped it by ip

  SELECT  v.*, max(last_date) as last_date1
  FROM visitors as v
  WHERE date(v.last_date) = :today
  GROUP BY v.ip 
  ORDER BY last_date1 DESC

Now I want to make an small daily report

 COUNT(*) as count,
 DATE(last_date) AS last_date1
 FROM visitors 
 GROUP BY YEAR(last_date), MONTH(last_date), DAY(last_date)
 ORDER BY last_date1 DESC

count retrieves all the times a especific ip has entered during the whole day. I jut want it to count it as 1.


26/05/2020  76455
25/05/2020  34561
24/05/2020  45642 

I want to retrieve unique ip visits. not the sum of the times every ip has entered during the day.


26/05/2020  676
25/05/2020  543
24/05/2020  711

How can I fix this?

I think you just want an aggregation:

SELECT date(last_date), count(*)
FROM visitors v
GROUP BY date(last_date)
ORDER BY date(last_date) DESC;

I think that you want aggregation and count(distinct ip) .

select date(last_date) visit_day, count(distinct ip) no_visiting_ip
from visitors   
group by date(last_date)
order by visit_day desc

This counts how many unique ip s visited the site on each day. If you want the overall count of visits (regardless of whether the same ip visited more than once), then you can use count(*) instead.

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