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How to add several items in shopping cart in rails?

I have some problem in my simple shop in rails. I want to add group of chosen products in cart, but I don't know how.

I use radio buttons on my 3 groups of products and I want user choose all 3 items and then press the button "add to cart".

In cart it's must by array like this: username-mix(1-id, 2-id, 3-id). But i have one more problem. I can't get id's of my products and don't know why.

Products are all from seed.db with fields: :category_id, :menu_id, :title, :price, :discribe and:path_to_image .

Here is my code:

 class ProductController < ApplicationController
   before_action :admin_user, only: :edit

   def show
     @products = Product.where("category_id = 1").limit(3)
     @products2 = Product.where("category_id = 2").limit(3)
     @products3 = Product.where("category_id = 3").limit(3)


   def product_params

My Product model:

class Product < ApplicationRecord
  validates :title, presence: true
  validates :price, presence: true
  belongs_to :category


<div class="col-md-4 about-left">
  <table class="tfood">
    <% @products.each do |i| %>
          <%= i.title %><%= image_tag i.path_to_image %>
          <%= i.discribe %>
          <p><b>Price: <%= i.price %></b></p>
          <input name="main" type="radio" value="">
    <% end %>
<div class="col-md-4 about-left">
  <table class="tfood">
    <% @products2.each do |i| %>
          <%= i.title %>
          <%= image_tag i.path_to_image %>
          <%= i.discribe %>
          <p><b>Price: <%= i.price %></b></p>
          <input name="topping" type="radio" value="">
    <% end %>
<div class="col-md-4 about-left">
  <table class="tfood">
    <% @products3.each do |i| %>
          <%= i.title %>
          <%= image_tag i.path_to_image %>
          <%= i.discribe %>
          <p><b>Price: <%= i.price %></b></p>
          <input name="drink" type="radio" value="">
    <% end %>
  function add_to_cart(id){
    var x = window.localStorage.getItem(id);
    x = x * 1 + 1;
    window.localStorage.setItem(id, x);

It's look like you didn't set value inside your radio-buttons. Maybe it will be better write something like

<input name="drink" type="radio" value=<%= i.id %>>

Note. I didn't check my code in the IDE, it's just thoughts. Actually I worked with ERB about year ago and I'm not sure about syntax.

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