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firebase console not showing my App Crash report

I added firebase crashlytics to my app before two days ago. Our app yesterday 10 times crashed this report i saw today in my play console. But my firebase console not showing this data. what is the reason?

Firebase console now showing me progress bar continues, but is not showing any report.

At the time of adding firebase crashlytics to project i followed steps from official documentation from https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started?authuser=0&platform=android在此处输入图像描述

Crash reports are uploaded almost in real-time after your app crashes and relaunches. If you are still unable to see your crash reports, then likely your Crashlytics integration is off.

If you followed all of the documentation correctly that you linked, then you would need to contact Firebase support so they could take a look at your gradle files, and how you're calling Crashlytics in your app.

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