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Sending an email using php shows a blank page

I'm trying to collect some informations from an html form and send them to an e-mail using php. but all i get is a blank page. i looked to similar questions but i couldn't find the problem. this is my code:



        $message="First Name: ".$Fname." "."Last Name: ".$Lname." "."\n"."E-mail: ".$email."\n"."Phone: ".$code." ".$phone."\n"."Project Name: ".$Pname."\n"."Project Type: ".$Ptype."\n"."Project Display: ".$Pdisplay."\n"."Owner: ".$Powner."\n"."Language: ".$Plang."\n"."Gender Voice: ".$Gender."\n"."Vitess: ".$Vitess."\n"."Style: ".$Style."\n"."Duration: ".$Duration."\n"."Script: "."\n\n".".$Script."."Message: ".$Cmnt."\n";

        $headers="From: ".$email;

             echo "sent";
             echo "problem ";



after submitting the form i don t see neither of: "sent" or "problem"

the site is hosted on bluehost

this is my first time ever using php

Use try catch for identify the error in script like-:


            $message="First Name: ".$Fname." "."Last Name: ".$Lname." "."\n"."E-mail: ".$email."\n"."Phone: ".$code." ".$phone."\n"."Project Name: ".$Pname."\n"."Project Type: ".$Ptype."\n"."Project Display: ".$Pdisplay."\n"."Owner: ".$Powner."\n"."Language: ".$Plang."\n"."Gender Voice: ".$Gender."\n"."Vitess: ".$Vitess."\n"."Style: ".$Style."\n"."Duration: ".$Duration."\n"."Script: "."\n\n".".$Script."."Message: ".$Cmnt."\n";

            $headers="From: ".$email;

                echo "sent";
                echo "problem ";
    catch(Exception $e){
        echo $e;

Make sure configure SMTP configuration in php.ini file before run mail() .

SMTP configuration look like-:


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