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In Visual Studio is it possible to see what the name of a bookmark is within the code window? (eg hovering your mouse over it to the left of the code)

In Visual Studio is it possible to see what the name of a bookmark is? Quite often I put in bookmark to remind me about a piece of code I need to get back to, then later when I do something else I come across the bookmark. (Which is often one amongst many) However if I hover the mouse over the bookmark it doesn't tell me which one it is. Can this be switched on?

It cannot be switched on, and left-clicking in the gutter is just going to toggle a breakpoint. The closest you can get without venturing into third-party add-ons is to keep the Visual Studio Bookmarks window pinned to your workspace--or within easy reach. To open that window, hit [Ctrl]-grave accent and it will highlight any bookmark you navigate to using [Ctrl]K, [Ctrl]N or [Ctrl]P (next/previous bookmark) or [Shift][Ctrl]K , [Shift][Ctrl]N or [Shift][Ctrl]P (next/previous bookmark in the current folder).

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