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Testing WSDL Web Service

I have a bunch of WSDL web service link with me. I need to write automation code to test this service. What library you all recommended (Spring, or others). Any reference website would be good. Thanks.

I will suggest you to create Spring Boot projects and use Apache CXF dependencies and plugins, It is simple and efficient both. All you need is to follow some steps:

1) Copy the WSDL into your project.

2) Add cxf-spring-boot-starter-jaxws and cxf-codegen-plugin dependencies.

3) Include plugin that contains the path of your WSDL file.

4) Create a JaxWsProxyFactoryBean client and access your webservice.

You can take some reference from here https://dzone.com/articles/soap-web-services-with-apache-cxf-and-spring-boot

Hope it helps..!!

SoapUI has been around for years. I've used it to integrate and test projects even while not working in Java. It generates client side code based on the WSDL definition and also test code (including functional, load and security tests).

I'm out of this domain several years. But it seems that WSO2 still provides Enterprise Integration and related products, check Whether it is relevant at their doc about Publishing a Custom WSDL or their Test Automation Framework

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