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Cloudbuild.yaml with enviroment variables?

I have cloud build file something like this


- name: 'python:3.7'
  entrypoint: 'bash'
    - '-c'
    - |
        pip3 install -r requirements.txt
        pytest -rP

#- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
#  args:
#  - functions
#  - deploy
#  - Test_Function
#  - --runtime=python37
#  - --source=https://source.developers.google.com/projects/proj_name/repos/repo_name/moveable-aliases/master/paths/function
#  - --entry-point=main
#  - --trigger-topic=Test_Topic
#  - --region=region

-now what i would like to do is i would like to define soemthing like a variable (Test_name) or in enviroment variables and put that variable in different lines in my yaml like this below.

Test_name: "my_name"

- name: 'python:3.7'
  entrypoint: 'bash'
    - '-c'
    - |
        pip3 install -r requirements.txt
        pytest -rP

#- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
#  args:
#  - functions
#  - deploy
#  - **{Test_name}**_Function
#  - --runtime=python37
#  - --source=https://source.developers.google.com/projects/proj_name/repos/repo_name/moveable-aliases/master/paths/function
#  - --entry-point=main
#  - --trigger-topic=**{Test_name}**_Topic
#  - --region=region

how can i do that?

You can make use of Cloud Build's substitutions to achieve that, as stated in the official docs .

Following the samples provided in the aforementioned docs, your cloudbuild.yaml will look like:

Test_name: "my_name"

- name: 'python:3.7'
  entrypoint: 'bash'
    - '-c'
    - |
        pip3 install -r requirements.txt
        pytest -rP

#- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
#  args:
#  - functions
#  - deploy
#  - ${_TEST_NAME}_Function
#  - --runtime=python37
#  - --source=https://source.developers.google.com/projects/proj_name/repos/repo_name/moveable-aliases/master/paths/function
#  - --entry-point=main
#  - --trigger-topic=${_TEST_NAME}_Topic
#  - --region=region

    TEST_NAME: TEST # default value

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