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How to do MCMC inference for COVID on R

I would like to do a standard SEIR model for the COVID pandemic on R. I have number of cases, deaths and daily cases (incidence). Adopting a Bayesian framework, I would like to calibrate and forecast the model using simple MCMC. Having consulted with the literature, I have tried to input some code below but I'm stuck with defining the MCMC (here, post.samp): nothing is working; R runs it without producing an output. Would anyone be able to help refine the code or offer some code? Thank you for your help in advance!

odefun <-function(t,state,parameters){
  with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{
    beta <- parameters[1]
    sigma <- parameters[2]
    gamma <- parameters[3]

    x<- state

    dx <- rep(0,6)
    dx[1] <- -beta*x[1]*(x[4] + x[5]) #susceptible
    dx[2] <- beta*x[1]*(x[4] + x[5]) - sigma*x[2] #newly infected but latent
    dx[3] <- sigma*x[2] - sigma*x[3] #late stage latent
    dx[4] <- sigma*x[3] - gamma*x[4] #newly infectious
    dx[5] <- gamma*x[4] - gamma*x[5] #late infectious
    dx[6] <- gamma*x[5] #recovered


dates = as.Date(c("2020-3-2", "2020-3-3", "2020-3-4", "2020-3-5", "2020-3-6", "2020-3-7", "2020-3-8", "2020-3-9", "2020-3-10", "2020-3-11", "2020-3-12",
                  "2020-3-13", "2020-3-14", "2020-3-15", "2020-3-16", "2020-3-17", "2020-3-18", "2020-3-19", "2020-3-20", "2020-3-21", "2020-3-22",
                  "2020-3-23", "2020-3-24", "2020-3-25", "2020-3-26", "2020-3-27", "2020-3-28", "2020-3-29", "2020-3-30", "2020-3-31", "2020-4-1",
                  "2020-4-2", "2020-4-3", "2020-4-4", "2020-4-5", "2020-4-6", "2020-4-7", "2020-4-8", "2020-4-9", "2020-4-10", "2020-4-11", "2020-4-12",
                  "2020-4-13", "2020-4-14", "2020-4-15", "2020-4-16", "2020-4-17", "2020-4-18", "2020-4-19", "2020-4-20", "2020-4-21", "2020-4-22", 
                  "2020-4-23", "2020-4-24", "2020-4-25", "2020-4-26", "2020-4-27", "2020-4-28", "2020-4-29", "2020-4-30", "2020-5-1", "2020-5-2",
                  "2020-5-3", "2020-5-4", "2020-5-5", "2020-5-6", "2020-5-7", "2020-5-8", "2020-5-9", "2020-5-10", "2020-5-11", "2020-5-12", "2020-5-13",
                  "2020-5-14", "2020-5-15", "2020-5-16", "2020-5-17", "2020-5-18"))

epi <- data.frame(row.names = c("Morocco"), 
                  startdate =  as.Date(c("2020-3-2")),

InfectedC <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,6,6,8,18,28,37,44,54,63,79,96,115,143,170,225,275,345,
               402,479,556,617,654,708,791,919,1021,1120,1184,1275, 1374, 
               1448, 1545, 1661,1763,1888,2024,2283,2564,2685,2855,3046,3209,
               3446, 3568, 3758, 3897, 4065, 4120, 4252, 4321, 4423, 4569, 4729, 
               4903, 5053, 5219, 5408, 5548, 5711, 5910, 6063, 6281, 6418, 6516, 6607, 6652,
               6741, 6870, 6952) #C = cumulative

Infected <-c(1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,3,0,2,10,10,9,7,10,9,16,17,19,28,27,55,50,70,57,77,77,
             61,37,54,89,122,102,99,64,91,99,74,97,116,102,125,136,259, 281, 121, 170, 
             191, 163, 237, 122, 190, 139, 168,55, 132, 69, 102, 146, 170, 174, 150, 166, 
             189, 140, 163, 199, 153, 218, 137, 98, 91, 45, 89, 139, 82)
# Infected = daily infections
deaths <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 10, 
            23, 25, 26, 33, 36, 39, 44, 48, 59, 70, 80, 90, 93, 97, 107, 111, 118,126,126,
            127,130,135,137,141,143,145,149, 155, 158, 159, 161, 162, 165, 168, 170, 171, 
            173, 174, 179, 181, 183, 183, 186, 186, 188, 188, 188, 188, 190, 190, 192, 192, 192)

N <- 3.603e7 # population of Morocco according to WB 2019 estimate

case <- "Morocco"

#choose a long or short run type
run_type <- "full" 
# full for long test
#run_type <- "test" for short

startdate <- epi[case,1]
interventiondate <- epi[case,2]
N <- epi[case,3]

#parameters for error calculation
report_err <- 0.2
model_err <- 0.05

#prior mean for parameters in order
par_pri <- c(4.5,2.5,-15,0.0075,3,1.)

#prior sd
par_sd <- c(.5,0.5,15,0.00125,1,.5)


obs <- cbind(dates,deaths) 

  #code to run model and evaluate cost (log likelihood) vs observations. Including prior.

  modelcost <- function(params,obs){ 

    latent_period <- max(.5,min(params[1],10)) #bound with 0.1 and 10
    infectious_period <- max(.5,min(params[2],10)) #bound with 0.1 and 10
    i0 <- max(0.,min(exp(params[3]),.01)) #bound with 0. and 0.01 NB this one is logarithmic!
    death <- max(0.001,min(params[4],0.05)) #bound with 0.1 and 5%

    R0 <- max(1.,min(params[5],10)) #bound with 0.1 and 10 also not less than 1 in initial segment
    Rt <- max(0.01,min(params[6],10)) #bound with 0.1 and 10

    #prior mean for parameters in order
    par_pri <- c(4.5,2,-15,0.0075,3,1.)

    #prior sd
    par_sd <- c(.5,0.1,15,0.0003,1,.5)

    ###testing differnet priors    
    #prior mean for parameters in order
    par_pri <- c(4.5,2.5,-15,0.0075,3,1.)

    #prior sd
    par_sd <- c(.5,0.5,15,0.00125,1,.5)




if(run_type == "test"){

set.seed(42) #reproducibility!
obs_save <- obs
num_obs <- length(obs_save[,2])

vals <- c("2020-03-22","2020-03-29","2020-04-05","2020-04-12","2020-04-19","2020-04-26","2020-05-03","2020-05-10",0) #
theta.start <- c(5.1,2.5,-15,0.0075,2.72,0.76)
post.samp <- MCMCmetrop1R(modelcost, theta.init=theta.start,#par_pri,
                          obs=obs,thin=1, mcmc=runlength, burnin=burn,
                          verbose=500, logfun=TRUE)

r0_mean <- mean(post.samp)
r0_sd <- sd(post.samp)
rt_mean <- mean(post.samp)
rt_sd <- sd(post.samp)


nsamp <- length(post.samp)
rts <- sort(post.samp)

run.obj <- run_ensemble(post.samp,500,120)


Error in optim(theta.init.0, maxfun, control = optim.control, lower = optim.lower,  : objective function in optim evaluates to length 6 not 1

Error in if (dates[tomorrow] > interventiondate) { : argument is of length zero

dates is not defined in your code. When you try to cbind vectors of different lengths (here, deaths and dates ), you have a problem.

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