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Discord bot command shop not working (sqlite3, Discord.py)

I'm trying to implement a store on my Discord server, but the command is not executed also there are no errors in the console, this code was translated to sqlite 3 with JSON, I'm new to sqlite 3 and Discord.py

@client.command( pass_context = True )
async def buy(ctx, arg = None):
    role = arg
    if role == None:
        await ctx.send("**Укажите роль, которую хотите купить.**")


    Aqua_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718214683454210088)
    Red_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718215132286550046)
    Green_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718215275618631681)
    Blue_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718216550959677712)
    Pink_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718215775504171049)
    Gold_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718215931406581801)

    async def shop_buy(ctx):
        for row in cursor.execute(f"SELECT money FROM users where id={ctx.author.id}"):

            if role == "Gold":
                if gold_role in ctx.author.roles:
                    await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention}, у вас уже имеется роль {Gold_role}")

                elif row[0] >= Gold:
                    balance = row[0] - summ

                    await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(                           
                        description=f" {ctx.author.mention}, покупка прошла успешно ",

                    cursor.execute(f'UPDATE users SET money={balance} where id={ctx.author.id}')
                    await ctx.author.add_roles(Gold_role) 

                    await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(                     
                        description=f"**{ctx.message.author.mention}, такой суммы нет у вас на баллансе!**",

You're not actually running the shop_buy() coroutine anywhere, you've only defined it. Functions/coroutines won't run unless you call them.

The coroutine isn't even necessary if you're only going to be using the code in one place anyway.

You can also define the shop_buy() coroutine outside of the command if you want to use it in another place:

@client.command() # context is automatically passed in rewrite
async def buy(ctx, arg = None):
    role = arg
    if role == None:
        await ctx.send("**Укажите роль, которую хотите купить.**")


    Aqua_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718214683454210088)
    Red_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718215132286550046)
    Green_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718215275618631681)
    Blue_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718216550959677712)
    Pink_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718215775504171049)
    Gold_role = discord.utils.get( ctx.message.guild.roles, id = 718215931406581801)

    async def shop_buy(ctx):
        # shop_buy() code here

    await shop_buy(ctx) # you need to call the coroutine

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