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how to overload << operator in c++ to use repeatedly?

Sorry for the not clear title. Recently I started to learn C++ and I don't know how to overload operator << to make it repeatable.

Here's an example code.

class Foo{
int* a;
int idx = 0;

Foo(){a = new int[100];
void operator<< (int a) {arr[idx++] = a;}

What << does is basically class get integer number as an operand and save it into arr .(Ignore overflow case here)

For example, a << 100 will add 100 into array.

What I want to do is make << operator can be repeatedly used inline like a << 100 << 200 How should I fix above code to allow this function?

Thanks in advance:)

The overloaded Foo::operator<<() takes actually two arguments:

  1. The parameter int given as right-hand side
  2. The implicit this from left-hand side.

To allow chaining of this operator, it should return a reference to the left-hand-side (ie *this ) to become usable at left-hand-side itself.

Sample code:

#include <iostream>

struct Foo {
  Foo& operator<<(int a)
    std::cout << ' ' << a;
    return *this;

int main()
  Foo foo;
  foo << 1 << 2 << 3;


 1 2 3

Live demo on coliru

Chaining is enabled by returning a reference to the instance so you can call another method:

class Foo{
    std::vector<int> a;   
    Foo& operator<< (int a) {
        return *this;

Now you can call f << 100 << 200 << 42; .

Note that I replaced the array with a std::vector to make Foo less broken (unless you have a descrutor that you did not show it was leaking memory, you could fix that, but then still copying would cause problems, in short you need to respect the rule of 3/5 when you own a resource, using a std::vector makes things much simpler).

PS: Same works for other methods. You simply call another method on the returned reference to this . Note that operators are just methods (with some syntactic sugar) and to see that you can write as well f.operator<<(100).operator<<(200).operator<<(42); .

Return a reference to *this . It's unrelated but you should use a vector to avoid memory leaks. Try to avoid raw new

class Foo{
    std::vector<int> a;

    Foo &operator<< (int a) {
        return *this;

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