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Random file upload with multer & node.js api

for uploading images that could be of any name or any quantity.

Currently I am handling file upload with multer in my project. I can handle multiple file upload when i know field name. I am storing the path of each file in MongoDB, and mongoose.Below I shared the knowledge with know field-name like, image & images

in router:

                   { name: 'image',  maxCount: 1 },
                   { name: 'images', maxCount: 8 }

now the problem is I have RANDOM FILE and I dont know all the field name . like there can be 10 filed and each field can have multiple file, like banner, slider, logo, image, cover and so on. How do I handle this case? When i don't know the fields name and number of images in each fields

So The answer was pretty easy. I was using mutter. muter has any() field.

any(): Accepts all files that comes over the wire. An array of files will be stored in req.files

It handles all the files coming, with any field name:

const fileUpload = multer({
storage: multer.diskStorage ({
    destination: (req, file, cb)=>{
        cb(null, 'uploads/slider')
    filename : (req, file, cb) =>{
        cb(null, file.filename)

module.exports = fileUpload

Now in router:

const upload = require('../middleware/slider')
router.post('/', upload.any(),  ......)

get all files in controller to store the path in database

exports.controller = async (req, res, next)=>{
    const files = req.files
    // files will contain an array of file, all the file you uploaded.
    //to get the path of each
    let sliders = []

        sliders =  files.map(file=>{
            return {field_name:file.fieldname , path :file.path }

So that how i solved the answer. any() filed saved my day.

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