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Refactor Observable to avoid type assertion errors

I'm writing unit tests for a CanDeactive Guard and I'm getting a type assertion error with my jasmine spec:

// Mock Guard defined at top of spec file
class MockGuardComponent implements ComponentCanDeactivate {
  // Set this value to the value you want to mock being returned from 
  returnValue: boolean | Observable<boolean>;

  canDeactivate(): boolean | Observable<boolean> {
    return this.returnValue || this.openConfirmDialog();

it('will not route if guarded and user rejected the dialog', () => {
    // Mock the behavior of the MockGuardedComponent
    const subject$ = new Subject<boolean>();
    mockGuardComponent.returnValue = subject$.asObservable();
    const canDeactivate$ = <Observable<boolean>>(
    canDeactivate$.subscribe((deactivate) => {
      // this is the real test
    // Emulate the reject

}. );

This spec correctly throws the following error:

Type assertion using the '<>' syntax is forbidden. Use the 'as' syntax instead.

It doesn't like this part:


I understand that it's probably better to use a BehaviorSubject instead but I'm already using a Subject so I'm not sure how to combine what I'm doing here. Any tips?


const canDeactivate$ = <Observable<boolean>>(


const canDeactivate$ = service.canDeactivate(mockGuardComponent) as Observable<boolean>;

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