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Pandas merge rows

I have a single dataframe like this:

df1 = pd.DataFrame([{'GameID': 15, 'Column1': 20,'Column2': 25, 'Column3': -15,'Column4': '','Column5': ''}, {'GameID': 15, 'Column1': '','Column2': '','Column3': '','Column4': 30,'Column5': 40}])

The output is like this:

   GameID Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5
0      15      20      25     -15
1      15                              30      40

What I'm tring to do here is to merge my row, meaning that the output will be like

   GameID Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5
0      15      20      25     -15      30      40

I've tried to groupby but the result isn't the one expected

df1 = pd.DataFrame(df1.groupby('GameID'))
    0                                                  1
0  15     GameID Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Colu...

Any suggestion on this topic will be much appreciated



This is another alternative without groupby() as greatly suggested in the comments, using np.nan and fillna() :

df1 = df1.replace({'':np.nan}).fillna(method='bfill').head(1)


GameID  Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5
0   15  20.0    25.0    -15.0   30.0    40.0

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