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Is there a reason I'm not able to start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder

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I do not have workbench on Apache 5.3 and due to which I don't have HTTP Proxy Server. I used the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. Started Chrome and manually configured the proxy settings. Settings => Advanced => Network => Manual Proxy:localhost and port as 8080(same as configured on the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder). enter image description here But when I click on Start button on the recorder, Im getting the below error. Can someone please help

The error you're getting means that JMeter is not able to generate proxyserver.jks file (Java keystore to keep MITM certificate allowing JMeter to intercept and decrypt SSL traffic) because it doesn't have read/write access to the folder where you launch JMeter from.

The solutions are in:

  1. Run JMeter as administrator , administrators have full control over all folders
  2. Change proxy.cert.directory property to some folder where your user has access rights
  3. If for some reason you cannot go for steps 1 and/or 2 you should be able to record your test scenario using JMeter Chrome Extension

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